Amphi – pool in Bologna 

Section – Amphitheatre

Section – Pool




Project year: 2023

Status: Proposal for a competition, Honorable Mention

Location: Bologna, Italy


  Located in the hilly suburbs of Bologna, the site is one of the highest points in the region. It serves as a belvédère for a magnificent panoramic view and a place for various events. This project proposes an amphitheatre and a pool in the same place, simply by laying marble panels along the existing slope and creating a large bowl-like space. It offers a dual-experience of attending a concert in an amphitheatre one day, and floating above the same theatre another day. The V-shape in section creates a spatial atmosphere which expands to the sky as a counterpart to the bottom where the perspective is fixed to a downward point. It gives the visitor a sense of connection and expansion towards the surrounding, and by doing so, the space ultimately becomes a medium of experiencing divinity and eternity.

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